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Reseting the Brain


Nov 14, 2010
So I have posted before about having issues after having a bad reactions to spice. I have been trying things to help me feel normal, but what I was wondering if there was anyway to reset the brain?
Lol if there was a way to reset the brain, I'm sure it would be quite well known for people who have been in a war, suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, things like that.
Thanks for the help kanyeknievel lol; I know I am asking a silly question. At this point though I just don’t care I have been trying different things and looking all over the internet trying to figure out what happened to me. I went the doctors and all they did was prescribe me some anti depressants and since I don’t have health insurance I just can’t keep going to different doctors. I have been taking a multivitamin, B-complex, a complete omega 3-6-9 and 5 HTP. I do feel a lot better, but I’m still not running at 100% it feels like I never will at this point. I don’t normally do drugs and I can’t believe that one time of using this crap could cause permanent damage to me.
Permanent damage is very unlikely. What exactly happened with spice and what's bothering you?
Well I will just start at the beginning, so I have only smoked weed 10 times in my entire life and I in my mid 20's. There have been times when smoking when I felt great and other times when I was anxious and nervous, but every time I would wake feeling fine and go on with my life. So I was with my friend and he went into a local smoke shop and came out with the package of stuff called ‘Cloud Ten’ which I thought was tobacco. Later that night I was at his place drinking and I was pretty drunk he then started to smoke the substance. I wasn't thinking straight since I was drunk, but I since I thought that it was legal that is was a safe substance like tobacco. So I took one puff from it and held it in for maybe ten seconds then exhaled. I started feeling sick and I knew something wasn’t right so I went inside to go lay down and sleep it off, but as soon as I laid down the spins kicked in. After fighting the spins I started to feel very lost and unpleasant I got the fear as other people have mentioned. It felt like I had died and that never existed and that I was stuck in hell. There were a lot of unpleasant feelings I had the night, but I did finally break free from it and started vomiting nonstop. I then crashed and woke up the next day feeling fine, but embarrassed so I went home and went on a walk to get some fresh air. During my walk I suddenly felt like my brain was in a fog and I couldn’t think straight. When I got home I researched about the drug that I smoked and got even more worried since it was so new. I then went to bed hoping to sleep it off, but two hours in I woke up with my heart pounding and feeling like I was dying. This went off for a few days and I started to feel like I was a dream and was losing my mind. What I feel now is like my body is in a permanent state of anxiety and stress like a switch has been turned on in my brain. Also my vision I fucked up like when I wear my contact I get headaches and feel nauseated. I get tension headaches all the time and feel like my memory is fucked up which makes me feel like I’m losing my mind again. I have been trying to get the shit passed me, but it’s consuming everything in my life and I never thought that one time use of this could be so detrimental to my health and mind. I just want to get past so I can get on with my life. I know almost all my issues are due to psychological problems, but I don’t know how to deal with them.
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I was thinking straight since I was drunk, but I since I thought that it was legal that is was a safe substance like tobacco.

Majorly flawed line of reasoning right there imo.

Look man, cannibinoids take at least a week to leave your body, sometimes up to 90 days with heavy use. Just keep it up with the vitamins. Obviously don't mess with anymore spice. Get plenty of rest, exercise, and good food. Your body will heal itself I promise.
I like to think of LSD as a tool for reseting the brain, but if you are having psychological issues, maybe an exercise regimen would be better for now.
Is it possible to have the brain in a permanent state of stress and anxiety without even knowing it or feeling it?
Im not going to even read what happened, I remember you. You got DP as well, I have it to, thousands of people do and then get over it. I can already tell you wont let it go. Just by reading your one post, doctor, prescribed, internet, searching. all of that is just signs of anxiety and you not letting your DP go. your focusing on it and its just going to keep looping and lopping from your worrying. there is no fix it cure , no miracle medicine as far as i know. Just live man, stop worrying, youll be glad you didnt

you have to learn to deal with anxiety and realise that YOU empower anxiety, its all your brain making you think somethings really wrong when it really isnt.
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You'll be fine, just give it a bit of time. You're stuck in a cycle of depersonalization and anxiety. Just relax, lay off the drugs (alcohol included), and maybe start exercising. There's nothing physical wrong with you.
The thing is I don't feel anxiety at all its like my brain is doing it to me without even knowing it. I'm not shaking, breathing heavily or have the feelings of being anxious, but i still have these sensations and feel off. Another thing is I have hard time focusing and concentrating like my memory is messed up.
The thing is I don't feel anxiety at all its like my brain is doing it to me without even knowing it. I'm not shaking, breathing heavily or have the feelings of being anxious, but i still have these sensations and feel off. Another thing is I have hard time focusing and concentrating like my memory is messed up.

thats what happens and it is anxiety that you keep worrying and checking everywhere if ull be okay and what not. anxiety isnt just that feeling where its like christmas eve and ur 12 and ur too anxious to go to sleep
I once experienced depersonalisation after a lot of XXX, so I know how horrible the feeling is. Keep up with the excercise and the vitamins, I'd say it would be best to stay off drugs untill you feel better, introducing new substances into the mix is probably not the best way to solve it.

I don't know if this is just a coincidence or whatever, but my depersonalisation dissapeared after I started just spending time with other people. Since depersonalisation, drug-induced or not, is caused by a malfunction in the brain's mechanism to change your self-identity to become part of a group, so maybe spending time with people could help. I hope you feel better soon.
Dude if you hadn't thought about this since it happened, like if u were busy 24/7 since 'the incident' you'd be feeling dandy. Sounds like you've been stressing about it too much & fuck tobacco man u must still b high if u believe it's a safe product...
No. You can't have stress or anxiety without feeling it, but you can have them and not realize what they are.

and its amazing how many people begin the first minute of the day and end the last minute of the night without realizing its all done within the confines of stress and anxiety.